How well do you know Adele?

ADELE IS AWESOME as we all know. And there are many people who think they know all there is to know about her. I realize this does not contain all knowledge about her cuz only she knows all there is to know for sure. But you can still try!

Are you an Adele genius? Do you know Adele as much as you think you do? with this quiz you can find out easily! all it takes is a little clicking of a button to impress your friends with your Adele knowledge!

Created by: gabbygirl980
  1. What is Adele's last name?
  2. What are the numbers Adele's album's are called represent
  3. "She is half your age but I'm guessing that's the reason that you strayed"
  4. True or false Adele's mother is named Penny
  5. how old was Adele when her dad left?
  6. What is the name of Adele's current boyfriend?
  7. What year was she born?
  8. How many Grammy's has Adele won?
  9. How many times was she nominated?
  10. What did Adele say about her dad?
  11. What is Adele's alter ego?
  12. How old is Adele?
  13. When Is Adele's birthday?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Adele?