How Well Do You Know Ace? (dr Who)?

There are many dr who companions in who history but, in my opinion, none as good as ace. This test will let you know if you really know her. Do you think so? Do you know?

Do you know ace well enough to memorise her adventures inside out? Or did you just take this because you were bored... These questions might challange you, might not. ?..

Created by: ace
  1. What is aces real name?
  2. What is aces explosive called?
  3. Where does she make her explosives???
  4. Name one that is an ace episode:
  5. What does ace beat up a dalek with?
  6. How many stories was ace in?
  7. How did ace leave the doctor?
  8. Fate
  9. Do you like dr who?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Ace? (dr Who)?