how well do you know about youtube

can you take my 12 question quiz to test you knowledge on youtube, youtube is a great way to watch videos on any device... will you actually take my quiz?

ARE YOU smart enough to be amazing at this youtube quiz take it now and see your knowledge on youtube and remember if you dont get full marks... its not the end of the world

Created by: Ruchika A

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what did the creators of youtube want it to be originally?
  2. who are the people that made youtube?
  3. how long was the very first video on youtube?
  4. how long has youtube been running for? ( 2014 )
  5. how long has youtube been running for? ( 2014 )
  6. what was the longest youtube video ?
  7. what is the most watched video on YouTube?
  8. how many video's play each day?
  9. how much video is uploaded to YouTube each minute
  10. how many people use youtube?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know about youtube