How Well do you know about goats?

This quiz tests you on how you know about goats. This quiz has some obvious anwsers and some not so much.. You could win or fail.. Cry or laugh.. its so cool!

Do YOU have what it takes? Do YOU know about goats? Well You might or might not. anyway you look at it you might not get them all right! dont sweat it!

Created by: Sara
When Will I Die Test
  1. about what season do goats kid?
  2. For Fairs, what type of showing has a goat hooked up to a cart?
  3. what is a goat's scientific name?
  4. Which Goats can go to state fairs?
  5. which is NOT a goat breed?
  6. What is NOT a goat bone?
  7. Where is the goats blind spot
  8. When can female goats breed?
  9. What do baby goats need when they start eating solids?
  10. What is a goats milk closest to?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I know about goats?