How well do you know about Ever After High.

Hey you I really hope you know about EAH that means Ever After High.It means a lot to me if you take this quiz. this quiz is about Ever After High.So if your going to take the quiz thank you.*hug*

How well do you know about EAH you know what it means*everybody saying* EVER AFTER HIGH. Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to take great quiz, you'll find out soon enough.*blowing kisses*

Created by: Raven Queen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who has a big bad secret?
  2. Who has a crush on Dexter Charming?
  3. Who want to follow there parents foot steps?
  4. What does Cedar Wood not do?
  5. What school did C.A Cupid transfer from?
  6. Who are future couple?
  7. what are he main episodes?
  8. Who is the room mate of Melody Piper?
  9. Who does Dexter Charming have a crush on?
  10. Hope you liked my quiz.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know about Ever After High.