How well do you know 1D???

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There are way too many Directionators in this world. Directionators and people who think they are huge fans of 1D and they think they know everything about them; but they dont. A Directioner is a true, hardcore, 1D fan and they know everything about them and they are in love with 5 homosexuals ;)

Are you a Directioner or Directionator?? 50% and higher, you are getting there and you could be a DIRECTIONER! Lower than 50% means that you are a DIRECTIONATOR and you need to learn more about them, and you might be able to enter this crazy fandom!

Created by: tialoves1D

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is the youngest??
  2. Who has a fear of spoons??
  3. Who formed the band??
  4. Who LOVES Nando's??
  5. Which member just moved in with his girlfriend??
  6. Who loves to look at himself in the mirror??
  7. Who loves girls who eat carrots??
  8. What song did Ed Sheeren produce on their album??
  9. Who is the oldest member??
  10. What does Louis' mom call him??
  11. McJagger could be _______'s dad
  12. What is Zayn's middle name??
  13. Which members share an apartment with each other??

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Quiz topic: How well do I know 1D???