How well do you dinosaurs?

Hello this is my first quiz that I have made on gotoquiz so don't expect it to be really good but I hope you enjoy my quiz as dinosaurs are also a hobby of mine so have a go!!!!!

Not sure if you like dinosaurs like me but I hope you do because then you will rock the test if you are but if your doing it for fun then have a at this quiz!

Created by: Wolf king
  1. Is a brachiosaurus a big or small dinosaur?
  2. Is a t-rex a carnivore or a Herbivore or a vegetarian?
  3. What is the difference between a velociraptor and a stegosaurs?
  4. Was ther just dinosaurs on land?
  5. Do you like dinosaurs personally?
  6. Do like this dinosaur quiz?
  7. Can dinosaurs have wings?
  8. Are Dinosaurs similar to Dragons?
  9. Do you watch Steve backsall on the Dinosaur program on cbbc?
  10. Were there different ages of dinosaurs?
  11. Did dinosaurs live over 65 millin years ago?

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Quiz topic: How well do I dinosaurs?
