how well do u knw Busted

There are some people out there who think they know alot about Busted, but really they are only scrathing the surface of what there is to know about the band. Are you one of those people, or do you know more?

Are you a Busted Fan? take this quiz and find out once and for all. It only takes a few minutes to find out, so why not give it a try? If you know your stuff, this quiz will be a breeze

Created by: Dark Wolf
  1. Who are the members of the band?
  2. Which of these is not one of their songs?
  3. What is the rest of the lyric: I can see that you wanted more When you told me ________
  4. After Busted split, which band did James go to?
  5. who is cuter? (no effect on outcome)
  6. What country was Busted from?
  7. What was Busteds genre
  8. Do you like busted?
  9. Does busted have an official websight?
  10. which song are these lyrics from? Throwing peanuts down the aisle Stupid but it made you smile

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