How well do u know your quotes?

we have many great quotes and as well as those who own the quiz in this life.....they may have had one problem or the other is why they choose to spread their wordings through their quotes. Also,im sure you must have heard that a poet doesnt just write,a poet writes through experience,and what surrounds him or her,i hope you take your time to study these quotes..

Are you a winner? You wanna be so sure of yourself? Take this quiz. I didnt write this only for quiz purpose, but to make those who take this quiz and are heartbroken,and have so many problems to handle,or have been knocked over and over again get up and be theirself again.. A thousand miles journey must begin with a single step.

Created by: Girlbye
  1. "A proverb is much matter decorated into few words" ....this quote is by who?
  2. Make things as simple as possible,but not simpler....this quote is by who?
  3. It is easier to fight for ones principles than to live up to them......this quote is by who?
  4. Proverbs may be said to be the abridgement of a quote by who?
  5. When we seek to discover the best in others,we somehow bring out the best in a quote by who?
  6. The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in a quote by who?
  7. If we all did what we are capable of,we would astound a quote by?
  8. Truth is the secret of eloquence and virtue,the basis of moral authority,it is the highest summit of art and of a quote by who?
  9. If you want to annoy your neighbours,tell the truth about a quote by?
  10. Nothing great was ever achieved without a quote by?
  11. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be ssen or touched,they must be felt with the a quote by?
  12. Never argue with stupid people,they drag you down to their level and beat you with a quote by?
  13. Thanks for taking my quiz... Ul rate it right? Promise?

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Quiz topic: How well do u know my quotes?