How Well Do You Know the Simpsons (movie)?

A hard and easy quiz on the Simpsons movie. Hard to 100% easy to not 0%. But just keep in mind its about the movie 10 questions is all you have to answer.

Do you have what it takes to complete this quiz 100% maybe not maybe so but some questions do get hard some questions are easy but its all on the Simpsons movie?

Created by: jack

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  1. What are the 2 names of homers pig?
  2. Where does bart have to ride his skateboard while naked?
  3. What does lisa try to stop happening?
  4. What was the first dare suggested by homer?
  5. Where do the Simpsons move?
  6. How do they get the red van?
  7. What is homers first word?
  8. What band sings the intro?
  9. Can he swing from a web no he can't he's a ___
  10. Easy one how old is bart.

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know the Simpsons (movie)? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Movies Quiz category.