How well do u know sans from undertale?

Hi welcome to how well do u know sans from undertale. I'm Aimee and I'm joined by sans!Sans: hey kid!And well he'll say If u know him good bad or 50-50 hope u enjoy

This is a quiz to see how well u know sans I'd y don't know who he is come back later after research. Well enough talking on with the quiz. ENJOY PPL!

Created by: Aimee Watts
  1. In the song "judgement" what colour does his eye go in the judgment hall? "Nothings safe from my eyes..."
  2. Who is the father of sans?
  3. Who is sans brother?
  4. What colour does sans' soul?
  5. What r the bone creatures that sans can summon in battle
  6. Is sans friends with a human with a red soul?
  7. Does sans' have a gf
  8. What is papyrus' job in da royal guards?
  9. What does sans' do to annoy paps
  10. Sans: hey kiddos hope u enjoyed this quizMeh: SANSsssssss dat was my line!!! I kill u!Sans: 0-0 well BAI kiddos~Meh:bai~

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