how well do u know harry potter and the philosopher's stone

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How well do you know harry potter and the philosopher's stone? Find out in this quiz!!! Aren't you exited to find out?! Well i am so..WHAT ARE YOU WATING FOR! Take this quiz HEAD ON!!!

I hope you will do great! *fingers crossed* and eyes closed...wait if I close my eyes I will not see the quiz! #silly me!!! GOOD LUCK! I can't wait to see your results!

Created by: F@rah
  1. What is the first chapter in harry potter and the philosopher's stone?
  2. what are the names of Harry's best friends?
  3. How does Harry first learn that he is a wizard?
  4. Where does Harry live in the Dursley's home?
  5. Who is Fluffy?
  6. Who decides where the children will be housed at Hogwarts???
  7. Which teacher is trying to steal the Sorcerer’s Stone?
  8. To whom does the Sorcerer’s Stone belong?
  9. What position does Harry play in Quidditch?
  10. What does Voldemort drink in the Forbidden Forest to sustain himself?
  11. Whom do Harry and Ron accidentally lock in the bathroom with the troll?

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