How well do u know harry potter

Harry potter is the greatest fandom of all time! There's no words to describe how much I love it! It changes lives! Its "magical"!!! Lol. I'm obbsesed!!

Did u read harry potter? Did u watch the movies?? Do u think u got what ut takes to know everything about hp? Find out by takin this quiz!! Yayy!!!

Created by: Amy Lu

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many books were there?
  2. How many movies were there??
  3. What's Harry potter's middle name?
  4. Who raised Harry?
  5. How many na mes does the Headmaster of Hogworts have? (Headmaster for books/movies 1-6)
  6. How many houses r there at Hogworts?
  7. Who's Harry's best mate?
  8. What house is known for bravery?
  9. At what age do u recieve ur hogworts acceptance letter?
  10. What postion foes harry play on the Gryffindor quiditch team?
  11. What unique language can harry speak?
  12. What subject did Albus Dumbledore teach when he was a professor at hogworts?
  13. Who killed Neville Longbottoms parents

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