how well do u know ever after high?

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Ever After High is about classic fairy tale daughter's and son's in high school. With this test wheel see how wheel you know Ever After High .royal or rebel ;)

do you know Ever After high as good as you thought this quiz wheel tell you if you know it as wheel as you think you do are you a royal or a rebel see here.

Created by: BaNaNa
  1. who not is raven quueen
  2. who is Maddilen Hatter
  3. apple whites room mate is:
  4. Daring charming's sister is:
  5. who is the "person" only maddie can here?
  6. apple whites mom is:
  7. who is apples aunt
  8. who is the air to wonder land?
  9. who is Giles grimm?
  10. witch room do you have to be in to get to the vault of lost tales?

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