how well do u know chobbits

chobits is a anime! not really funny but still a good one. if i tell any more stuff i might give out the answers so yeah...i have no idea what to type here and stuff so just take my quiz.

take my quiz please. it is pretty easy if you have watched they anime! so just take it. it will be probably over in a few seconds if you had watched the anime. once you have watched it you will know the answers.

Created by: Kuki

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what are the girls like in chobits?
  2. are the girls cute?
  3. are the girls nice?
  4. how many girls have cat ear(s)?
  5. what does the song sound like?(beginning)
  6. are the girls in dresses?
  7. is chobits an old anime?
  8. one of the girls(she is the main character) likes to copy what the man does who is living with her. True or false?
  9. is the man who is living with her(the main character) old, average, or young?
  10. last question. the man living with her is usually wearing ______. fill in the blanks.

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