How well do u know broly

Have you ever watched The Broly movie, Broly's Second comming, bio broly, or just know a lot (or just wanna see how much) you know Broly? Then this is the PERFECT quiz for you!!!!!! Hold on I have to give credit.... DB,DBZ,DBZ Kai,& DBZGT are all owned by funamation, toianimation, fugi tv, and acratioyamma, (may have spelled a few things wrong! :P

Even I YOU yes YOU don't know anything about Broly, I've put some "fun" answers along with the real answer in every question! It's a fun quiz and I'm a big fan of broly sooooo.... It's easy for me!

Created by: Marissa200

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is Broly?
  2. Why does King Vegeta want to kill Broly as a child?
  3. How did King Vegta kill broly (as a baby)?
  4. What does Broly think handicap is?
  5. What does Broly call Goku
  6. What does master Roshi call broly when he was drunk?
  7. How does Broly die in "Broly's second comming"?
  8. Why does Broly hate Goku?
  9. ((RANDOM QUESTION)) Who are me top 3 favorite CHARCTERS (does not affect score)
  10. If u pick android#17, Raditz, Broly!!!! YOU ARE AWESOME AND CORRECT!!!! GO BRAG TO EVERYONE THAT UR AWESOME!!!!
  11. How does Paragus controll his son?
  12. Who pees on Brolys head?
  13. Who does Broly damage first in (Broly's second comming)
  14. Pick a face best for broly
  15. Which of the followings best describes Broly
  16. ((how did u like this quiz?)) :3

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