How well do chu know meh?

Hai dis is for mah friends (again) so if chu aren't my friend, then leave dis pls. or try to guess! I worked on this throughout my school day, so enjoy!

oki I don't know what to put here so imma spam it, oki? OKI! haihaihaihaihai baibaibaibaibai peacepeacepeacepeace love chu all, hope chu like it! :3 :3

Created by: Eclipse Starz
  1. What is mah favorite color?
  2. what is mah favorite book series?
  3. Who is my enemy?
  4. Who is my crush
  5. What is my favorite food?
  6. what do I say?
  7. What is my favorite animal
  8. What is my favorite place?
  9. If someone says Hello to me, do I say...
  10. If someone I am hanging out with has to go do I say...

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