How well can you Interpret Dreams?

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As we lay down at night, we transport ourselves to another dimension, another world, a place where anything is possible. A place in the unconscious mind that we call... Dreams.

However, these images we experience, some standard... some other worldly... all possess meaning and impact. We are searching for people with the gift to interpret these images in an insightful and accurate way. Could this person be you? Take this test on your ability to interpret dreams to find out.

Created by: quiztester1
  1. The client is falling out of an airplane with his / her cousin, who suddenly explodes and turns into William Shatner. What does this mean?
  2. The client is riding bareback across an open meadow, but when the person looks down, it's not a horse but Godzilla...
  3. Peyton Manning throws the client a pass, but when the person catch it, the football is actually the head of Slobodan Milosevic...
  4. You find yourself chasing a white rabbit down a hole, this dream is interpreted to mean...
  5. You find yourself fighting a pirate with a hook in your dream, but really...
  6. As an interpreter, you have to recommend a movie about dreams, so you go with...
  7. Zombies are devouring the intestines of your Significant Other. You do nothing to stop this...
  8. LeBron James in a hot tub has just dealt you the Major Arcana tarot card... or the Death Card. This means what exactly?
  9. No dreamscape is complete without a sound track. As you're fantasizing about Never Never Land, you hear
  10. Some say dreams are just alternate realities that only when we sleep do we enter. The reality is that...
  11. The prevailing thought is that when you die in a dream, you die in life. Credence put into this prevailing thought?
  12. In a dream a person you know turns out to be a vampire. In a word this means...
  13. Which one of these currently scandal ridden celebrities probably wishes this is all a dream and they could wake up and forget all this ever happened?

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Quiz topic: How well can I Interpret Dreams?