How well can you guess?

This quiz has absolutely no useful purpose but to see how well you can guess your way through a quiz. This is an important skill for lazy people, but you should probably take a lazy quiz first.

"This quiz totally sucks." -The first guy that took it. Have you ever wanted to answer 10 completely random questions? Then why don't yu and see if you can get any right!

Created by: emarsh1999
  1. Which color is the best?
  2. What element is the best?
  3. Which letter starts my name?
  4. 2+2?
  5. How many questions does this require?
  6. 4í—20
  7. How many answers can you give?
  8. Anima translates to...
  9. 3^4=?
  10. Your done.

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Quiz topic: How well can I guess?