How well are you at work???

ok people who currently work at KFC, people who quit.. and people who were fired!!!!! haha losers... Try your best and see how much you know or still remember.... try your best

did u listen when you were being trained??? do u listen and lean? do u teach the new people the correct ways of doing things?? with the correct answers

Created by: KFC Moonee Ponds
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is the correct temperature of the chip fryers
  2. how many KG are in a bag of chips
  3. How long does lettuce last for in burger station?
  4. what does the L in L.A.S.T stand for???
  5. how many times do you have to stir the cookers in the morning??
  6. how many times do you have to stir the cookers in the morning??
  7. how long do burger buns last for..heated
  8. how much is a lge popcorn combo upsized?
  9. cooked popcorn lasts for ????
  10. what do you do with the notes after a customer has given you there money
  11. how many pieces of chicken in 1 head
  12. how many pieces of chicken in 1 crate
  13. what is the first moment of truth
  14. what was our last CMS SCORE???
  16. if your shift starts at 4:30 what time do u need to be at work?
  17. who is the safety captain
  18. correct temp of freezer

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Quiz topic: How well am I at work???