How wel do ya no me?

There are many people who think they no me. well hear u go peeps, hears a small quizz that outlines a few fings u lot can test yaselves on about me. Honestly i was supprised at a few of my answers. so there u go, enjoy

How well do u think u no that shadow in the room. how many times have u wondered if u new me, well have a go. i think u'll b supprised. Honestly i was supprised at a few of my answers. so there u go, enjoy

Created by: Angelo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats my favorite colour?
  2. Where do i live?
  3. Whats my eye colour?
  4. What drink am i most likely to drink?
  5. Favorite Film?
  6. Favorite Music?
  7. How many sisters/brothers do i have?
  8. What course am i doing?
  9. What collage if any do i attend?
  10. What shape is the ring on my right hand?
  11. Most common saying?
  12. Do i where contacts?
  13. Ive got scars in all these places but which ones are the ones u can still c easily)
  14. How many 'serious' relationships have i had?
  15. What was the longest?
  16. How many car acidents have i been in?
  17. Favorite Sport?
  18. Middle Name?
  19. lol, do i like my middle name?
  20. Funiest thing ive done?
  21. Do i lie?
  22. Favorite Romantic Place?
  23. Favorite food?
  24. Favorite group?
  25. Favorite colour hair?
  26. If i was gona have a tattoo where wuld it b 1st?
  27. Favorite aspect about a grl?
  28. Thing that attracts me to someone?
  29. My car is a?
  30. Favorite fing ta wear?
  31. On an average week how many hours do i sleep?
  32. Where can u lot normaly find me?
  33. Person i think of most?

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