How Weird Are You???

This quiz is good. It's for people to see how weird they are. Are you a weird person or do you feel pretty normal??

You will see your level of weirdness ok? Are you prepared for this?

Created by: Finn
  1. Which one of these characters do you liek best???
  2. Pick a number
  3. Do you like meat?
  4. What do you do in your spare time??
  5. You are half way through this quiz! What do you do? (this will not effect your score).
  6. You see a cliff. What do you do?
  7. Since the maker of this quiz almost gave up making this quiz, awnser these questions, 1. How weird do you wanna be.
  8. 2. That box you just clicked, yeah right, that's so not gonna be your score.
  9. 3. Do you like cheese.
  10. Thanks for playing this quiz!!! Hope you enjoyed! DID YOU!

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Quiz topic: How Weird am I???