How we'll do you know Wings of fire (up to book 7)

I'm not in the mood for this, but I have too. Can you get this quiz right? If you know a lot, you should. I don't see why you couldn't if you read the books.

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Created by: Woodclaw

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which kingdom do the dragnets get caught in first?
  2. How does Starflight's mother die?
  3. How do they free Hailstorm in book 7?
  4. What is the name of Moon's mind friend?
  5. What keeps Foeslayer trapped?
  6. What special ability does Moon have?
  7. Who is Tsunami's mother and father?
  8. What does Glory become?
  9. What's special about nightwing names?
  10. Who does Winter like?
  11. What place do the dragonets get out the of to start there journey? (Hint: after they get out of jade mountain, they go somewhere, right after, and that place is the answer
  12. Where are they at the beginning of book 2?
  13. What kingdom has a special language?
  14. What besides spitting venom can rainwings do?
  15. Last question: Is there an item that makes it so Moon can't read your mind?

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Quiz topic: How we'll do I know Wings of fire (up to book 7)