How Wandom Awe You?

Welcome to the quiz of epic. The wandom thingy! I have no real introduction. I do have a warning though... If you be autistic, I advise not taking this quiz...

Radiation, Super Mario, zombies are attacking with iPhones! Are you random? Find out now by answering these 'carefully thought out questions' with one of the 'well formulated and logical answers' given. :) Have fun!

Created by: Skydragon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you believe this symbol means; ~ ?
  2. What would you do if a cookie exploded?
  3. Cramberries or raspberries?
  4. Kryptonite!
  5. Le rawr!
  6. Miss Milly Musterd made mistakes mutually.
  7. How can one taste the awesome?
  8. Hehe, I made you believe we were doing something important. ;)
  9. My cookie sword.
  10. I have these gifts for you...
  11. Hello, I'm a computer virus.
  12. Colorful books.
  13. What's your favorite color?
  14. And now it's the end!

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