How ugly are you?

do you want to be a champion, do you want to be a genius, do you want to become Eistine? Have ou ever dreamed of any of these things? Well take this quiz!

Are YOU genius! Do your have the brainpower and skills to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few questions you will find out!

Created by: QuizKat
  1. What is reginas little sister called
  2. How many calouries does Regina put on every day from eating the nutrition bars?
  3. What is Aaron Samuels dressed as at his Halloween party?
  4. How many years did Cady live in Africa for until she came to America?
  5. What occasion did Gretchen's parents get her gold hoop earrings?
  6. What colour Doritos packet did Regina have that day when she was wearing sweat pants
  7. The girl that plays Gretchen in mean girls is called what in real life (her first name)
  8. In the scene where cady,regina, gretchen and karens did a dance, what did they call themselves?
  9. Where abouts in Africa did cady live?
  10. What did the sign say the first time cady needed Aaron in the projection room?

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Quiz topic: How ugly am I?