How Twilight are you

Do you want to be a genious.Many people do but aren't well my friend even f you did horrible on my quiz or you hated it thanks anyways .your a genious.

Are you a Twilighter,Do you know anything bout this movie, do you know things nobody else will find out momentariy .Thannkyou for reading.

Created by: Alicia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many Cullen's are there?
  2. Who is the leader of the wolf pack?
  3. How did Edward get into Bella's house to watch her sleep?
  4. What did Rosalie break when meeting Bella for the first time?
  5. Where was Bella headed to when she was abrupted by young men?
  6. How many vampires wanted to play baseball with the cullens ?
  7. Where was Bella bit by a vampire at?
  8. What was Victoria's mates name
  9. Who was the tracker?
  10. What weather do the Cullen's like to play baseball in?
  11. Thanks so much for taking my first quiz will u please comment ?

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Quiz topic: How Twilight am I