How Turkish are you?

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This quiz was made to let you know how Turkish you are.You will get the percentage of it after you finish the test.Remember that it is very unique to be a Turk

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Created by: MarmaraBoy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You ran into a relative that you haven't heard a single word for a long time.What'd you do?
  2. You go to a restaurant with your friends and you get a menu and you order
  3. Turkey's capital is
  4. The second most spoken language in Turkey is
  5. The author of the Turkish National Anthem is
  6. Turkey is neighboring with
  7. You turn the corner and see people dancing
  8. Horon belongs to
  9. Åžemame is a
  10. Biggest lake in Turkey is
  11. At school

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Quiz topic: How Turkish am I?