How tumblr are you?

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This quiz allows you to see whether you are Kanye oR KIM, Kendall or kylie junner and all that jazz except we mention none of these losers kris rules

Ok so our last statement may have been false because I think we mention Kanye but we like him in a pre-2014 way. Long live kris. He's a nice bloke. #krishumphries

Created by: reginageorge
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What brand of water do you drink?
  2. How many cats do you have?
  3. What colour is your top?
  4. What do you purchase from 'Joe's Full of Beans'?
  5. What gang are you in?
  6. What is Tina to you?
  8. Which one of your friends do you hate?
  9. What does Oscar mean to you?
  10. Who is your favourite American icon?

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Quiz topic: How tumblr am I?