How traditional are your attitudes?

What are the foundations of your beliefs? Do you generally accept traditional ideas? Or do you believe in change? Or, further, do seek to go beyond good and evil?

This quiz will determine how much you consent to traditional ideas. First it will some basic questions about religion, then ethics, and finish with a series of political questions.

Created by: Bored Philosopher
  1. Did God speak a human language (e. g. Latin) when He created the world?
  2. What's more important: the actual words used, or the meaning they convey?
  3. Someone writes something after being inspired by God. How should their words be interpreted?
  4. What makes an action good or ethical?
  5. Should a person always keep their word and strictly honor their agreements?
  6. Do we have an absolute right to our private property?
  7. Is patriotism a virtue?
  8. What are your political beliefs based on?
  9. What is your stance on abortion?
  10. How comfortable are you with socialism?
  11. What do you think about immigration?
  12. Lastly, how traditional do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: How traditional am Ir attitudes?
