How Tough are You Quiz (kids only)

How Tough are you, how much can your muscles take. If you want to see how tough you and your muscles are take this quiz. This quiz is for kids only.nn

This quiz will judge you upon muscle mass, your muscles ability to take punishment, your faces ability to take punches to judge how tough you really are

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Do you have abs?
  2. When someone punches your abs what happens?
  3. How many punches can your abs take
  4. How big are your pecs
  5. When someone punches your pecs what happens
  6. How many punches can your pecs take
  7. How many punches can your face take
  8. How big are your biceps
  9. Can someone squish your biceps
  10. Did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: How Tough am I Quiz (kids only)
