How Tough a Jedi Are You?

Sometimes you take things so seriously. Those people to other people may think "Wow, these people are so annoying". Wanna find out if your one of them? Or, want to see who's a geek? Take my quiz then. You know all the jedi achievements in star wars. You should want to know how tough like the jedi achievement toughness are you.

Come on everybody take my quiz! My Quiz! Quiz! Quiz! I know you might be thinking, wow the maker of this quiz is really annoying. Well, YOUR WRONG! This quiz shows how tough are you. Like a youngling or something like that.

Created by: Jasmine

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If somebody was about to shoot you and wants you to surrender, what would you do?
  2. If you had 2 light sabers and 1 of them hates you and tries to attack you, what would you do?
  3. How often do you buddy up together on trips "just on case"?
  4. If you were going to Disney world, but then your arch enemy convinced your mom to send you to math camp instead, what would you do?
  5. How often do you cry? FOR ANY REASONS. ANY!
  6. How often do you agree to a bet?
  7. How often do you complain in gym class?
  8. Do you talk back a lot?
  9. How much people stay near you?
  10. How much do you do dares?

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Quiz topic: How Tough a Jedi am I?