How To Tell if You are Living Around Magical Creatures

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There is a world of magical creatures out there. Unicorns, mermaids, Fairies, pixies, giants, goblins, demons, and other unimaginable beasts. A world of dangers is awaiting.

The question is, do you live near such fantastical creatures? Take this quiz to find out where your world of dangers could be. Uncover your unexpected, maybe magical companion, and be aware of the magic outside.

Created by: Elmriver45

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you see any strange things like moving plants, self-opening doors, or do you hear sounds in the night?
  2. Do you believe in magical creatures such as fairies, mermaids, unicorns, demons, goblins, pixies and so on?
  3. About how many friends do you have?
  4. Do you live near the forest or the woods?
  5. how close is your house to your neighbors house?
  6. do you have any pets?
  7. Do you like animals?
  8. Have you found keys at your house?
  9. Do you stay awake at night?
  10. How big is your house/apartment/area?

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