how to tell if you are in love

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I created this with the person I've fallen for on my mind. all I want to do is help you figure out if you have fallen for someone. if you have, good luck

love is a powerful thing, and it can break a heart to where it is unfixable or take it beyond the stars. it is more powerful than the world. it is stronger than anything

Created by: circusbaby
  1. you want to be by them all the time
  2. I can talk to them
  3. I think about him all the time
  4. your friends know
  5. you stare at him
  6. you are quick to defend them
  7. do you care about them
  8. do you imagine everything with him being there
  9. can you go at least 2 days without seeing them
  10. do you think you love them

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