How to tell if a guy likes you (for fourth graders)

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IN THESE PARAGRAPHS I TYPED A BUNCH OF RANDOM THINGS---it in a statement that it was the best thing ever. I love it and the best thing about the future is bright and early in a row of my favorite song on this page to the gym today is my life an

The only way I do is get it together with for myself in this case it would have to go back and the rest is history is not an easy to play the same thing over the

Created by: SaNai
  1. Does he start a lot of random conversations with you?
  2. Does he stare/smile at you a lot
  3. Are you good friends?
  4. Is he around everywhere you go?
  5. Does he blush when he looks at you?
  6. Are there any signs that could mean he likes you?
  7. does he look away or smile back when you smile at him?
  8. Do you talk on the way to recess, lunch or other?
  9. (No effect) How do you feel about him?
  10. (No effect) how did you feel about this quiz?

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