How to survive Middle School. | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How to survive Middle School.
lol xD all that is so true well Im a sophmore now and trust me middle school was one of the most perverted years of my life xD anywho goad you made it when I was in middle school nobody had a label for me I was just... there i guess. Most of the school knew me for being really smart and really pretty but I still hated it because theres alot of immatur people who just cause problems-.- but anywho great quiz!:D
This quiz was so helpful. I already am I. Middle school, I just wanted to see if I was doing thugs rigt and the only thing I don't do was the smelling one. Thanks so much for the advice. Your an awesome person to help kids with this! :)
What age are people in Middle school? I probably sound really stupid -_-" We don't have Middle school or high school or anything where I live..just primary,secondary and college/university ;)
Thanks so much! I litterally made a quiz earlier asking for adice about middle school. I can reference this whenever I need advice. Thanks so much!
If middle school was the hunger games.. Id lose, big time. I would kill almost everyone though..
ocean1 -
Usually, people in Middle School are 11-14 years old.
rdhaley1 -
Amazingly this is how I survived middle school... No one cold put a label on me so they called me artz. No kidding
lol im in 8th grade haha and thank you everybody im glad to have helped :)
Thanks for the advice! Love the advice, I may need to use them in some cases!
I'm goin into 8th grade and most of this stuff really does work. I know cuz I got through it alright! ;}
i'm in grade 8
hey im mya and i jsut wanna say thanks for the advice hope this year is FANTASTIC
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