How To Salmonella, Revised

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This is a quiz for you. Learn about Salmonella nimrods. Put some knowledge into your starving little brains. Your brain is staring at you with hungry eyes. A hungry mouth. Its stomach rumbles. It must have knowledge to eat or it will eat you. As little satisfaction as that will offer it.

Hello. This quiz is not copied from I am Death, in fact I am Death and I are the same person. I have created this new quiz because I have been banned from writing about cannibalizing humans. Disappointing, I'm sure, but oh well. I am no longer allowed to write about eating humans.

Created by: Dr. Death
  1. What is the Salmonella?
  2. How do you get the Salmonella?
  3. What are the symptoms of the Salmonella?
  4. What pathogen (germy boi) causes the Salmonella?
  5. How can you you cure, treat, and prevent Salmonella?
  6. Can the Salmonella kill you?
  7. Which countries had the highest percentage of the Salmonella outbreaks?
  8. Can you develop arthritis from the Salmonella infection?
  9. The Salmonella is caused by what pathogen?
  10. Is the Salmonella killed during the freezing process of raw food?

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