How To Know If Your A Mermaid

ARE YOU A MERMAID?! CLICK THIS TO FIND OUT! at first my friend thought it would be lameo he he for a fact was wrongo. at the e.ed he kissed me! that was my first kiss, and the only reason i got is cause of my genius quiz!!!

IF YOU CLICK HERE I WILL SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU IN A FRIEND WAY. ARE YOU A MERMAID?! CLICK THIS TO FIND OUT! at first my friend thought it would be lameo he he for a fact was wrongo. at the e.ed he kissed me! that was my first kiss, and the only reason i got is cause of my genius quiz!!!

Created by: Rosy Dauntly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do You Like To Swim!
  2. Do You Like Fresh/Salt Water
  3. Do You Sometimes Get Annoying?! (its ok if you do, so do i)
  4. What is Your Favorite Color/Clour??
  5. How Much Do You Weigh?
  6. How Much Do You WANT to weigh?
  7. Do You Like Water
  8. Do You Like Salt
  9. do u like my quiz (doesnt count for score)
  10. if u had to rate this 1-10 what would u rate it

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Quiz topic: How To Know If my A Mermaid