How to know if a girl likes you in middle school

Uugg I don't like paragraphs :'( but there making me write two so ya🀦Ok dis quiz is about trying to figure out what the heck is going on in the girl u likes head

so I hope you enjoy dis quiz and get the results that you want and hey look I wrote a paragraph!!!!!!!!! Actually nevermind wait can I just do a bunch of dots? Nevermind

Created by: Abby_gurl3000
  1. See if you can catch her staring at you. If you've looked across the room in English class and have caught her staring at you, then she may like you.
  2. See if she easily giggles around you. If you talk to her and find her giggling for no good reason, or even outright laughing even when you haven't said anything funny, then this may be because she likes you.
  3. See how she looks around u. Do you notice that she dresses up more when she knows she'll be around u
  4. See if you make her blush. This is a dead giveaway that she really likes u. (For example) if u tell a joke or just and she gets all red 😑 she might like u lol
  5. See if she's always laughing with her friends when they pass you. If the girl passes you in the halls with her friends, and her friends are laughing and nudging her when you come by, this is a sign that they all know that she likes you and are teasing her.
  6. See if she tries to gently touch you. She'll most likely touch you in a teasing way like a playful shove, or tap you on the shoulder to tell you something.
  7. Are u fat cuz if u are that might be another reason why she's looking at u 😜
  8. See if she tries to talk about common interests. If she knows that the Warriors are your favorite basketball team and has suddenly started talking to you about them, then she may have picked up a new love for the team just because of you.
  9. See if she teases you. If the girl teases you, then it's almost definitely true that she likes you.
  10. Notice what she says to you over social media or texting.

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