How to be a successful Gachatuber

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To help new gachatuber like myself, get better to become the best gachatuber they can be.Make sure to watch the Sabriyah's YT video for more help hope you do good

I recommend watching yammy react videos to see do's and don't's because she really doesn't like gacha logic and she's not wrong in the near future make gachatub channel name will be BoBa_Cookieguci So maybe in June 2022 ill have it up YAY so look for meee

Created by: BoBa_Cookieguci of Not my website Sabriyah's Yt one
(your link here more info)
  1. Will You Always Stay On Gacha Logic?
  2. What contet will you make?
  3. Do you draw and doodle?
  4. Will you use bad language?
  5. Will you copy or have your own oc?
  6. Will you take breaks?
  7. Why do you wanna become a gachatuber
  8. Will you pay attention to your fans?
  9. Have you even had a gachatub/youtube channel?
  10. Did dis quiz help? :D

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