How to be a loser...?

okay so someof you want to know if your popular or not so take this quiz and that all i have to say. you can add me on fb wait nvm don't do that cause

are u a loser? normal popular? take this quiz to find out! i mean what if you think ur a loser but your actully popular and it might not be the right answer your looking for

Created by: Candice
  1. Hello... and on this quiz its about a girl named Candice. Will she end up being popular it depends on your answer. What do you think?
  2. HEllO, my name is Candice. And i am in high school. and in my highschool being popular is EVERYTHING! i mean EVERYTHING! but am i? no. am just a normal girl. with normal friends and a normal life. so yah! Anyway my story started about 10 months ago. i was walking when i bumbed into some dude. And the night before i bumbed into some dude, i went to this fourtne teller she said tomorrow (the day i bumbed into that dude was tomorrow) anyway she said tomorrow i will bumb into a guy and we will have a love connection. like we will have like love problems and everything. i thought she was MAD! so i didn't belive her. the day after the fourtne teller told me the fourtune i bumbed into the guy. and it was weird. i was all like OoPs am so sorry. And he was all like NO! its my fault. and we laughed and i went inside school. my friends were all like talking about homework and crap. i pretended i was listening but i wasn't so yah. not my fault homework is boring. and we have it like (it: homework not like having it) everysingle day. my friend Seina has a crush on this guy that has some major issues and i guess she has some major issues for liking that guy so there a perfect match. my story has nothing to do with loser YET but wait it gets intresting. Question: how you felling RIGHT NOW?
  3. So it was lunch and the most stupidet thing happened. i was walking and i bumbed into the same guy in the morning. and he was like (right now) hey didn't i bumb into you before? and i said yah that's really funny. sorry. and i walked away. you know i don't know why i keep feeling am going to bumb into him again. i needed to approch to the popular people today so i walked to their own cafeteria its like a vip room their. there is table's with tablecloth and wine glasses and you those fancy tables? yah it looks like that. as i step in the security of the popular cafeteria came right infront of me. "i need to talk to Lisa!" i said and they let me go in. i approched lisa. who was half talking to her friend and half makingout with her boy friend. it was weird. "Lisa LIsa LISA!!!" i said. she looked up gave me the paper of our project and making out with her boyfriend again. i walked out of the popular cafe and when i turned arounf to he "NORMAL" cafe everyone was looking at me. i felt weird. QUESTIOn: a popular someone came up to you and said wanna join our group what would you do?
  4. This is the kast story thing: cause am boared now. kay on with the story: i approched back to my table. "OMIGOSH! candice! You really WHAT!!!!!!!!!! how did you have the courage?" my friend asked. i just shrugged. as i stood up to go to the washroom i bumbed into the same guy. except this time our lips touched my ACCIDENT! and i was likeL "EEEK! am so sorry look what i did. am so so so sorry" "its okay. things happen" and he left and i went. so now you see that even being normal isn't that bad. Question: are you mad because this had nothing about being loser?
  5. now do you think your popular?
  7. this is a popular question: ur popular and another popular girl is trying to make you unpopular
  8. do you know how to be a loser?
  9. tujhd
  10. so.... what will ur result be?

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