How Team Fortress 2 are you?

A few warnings about this quiz. You must be 16 or over to take it. This is because there is some moderate / strong language used in it. Please don't be offended. Discretion is advised. Take this quiz at your own risk, please.

You must know Team Fortress 2 and you must not get any wrong ideas from my questions. This is purely fan made and is not intended to offend anyone in any way whatsoever. If you do get offended by something, tell me IMMEDIATELY!

Created by: Danielle Young
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the weapon of your choice out of these weapons?
  2. You run into an enemy Spy. You...
  3. What will you do to make sure your Medic doesn't get killed?
  4. You're an Engineer. Your sentry gets sapped. You...
  5. Your main battle cry is...?
  6. Do you have any underlying health problems, such as the fact you smoke heavily?
  7. You're the only Medic left unscathed. How do you attempt to survive?
  8. What do you tend to say when you lose on a video game?
  9. You're surrounded by the enemy team. What do you do?
  10. You come across a bomb. Do you call for help?
  11. You get shot by a Scout, and Medics fail to respond to your call for help. You decide to...
  12. Your favourite TF2 character is...?
  13. Your favourite TF2 past time is...?

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Quiz topic: How Team Fortress 2 am I?