How tall you gon be?

Hi. This is a quiz for those who would like to see how tall they may be when they grow up. Keep in mind, this quiz may not be entirely accurate, so please remember that!

I made this quiz. It has 10 simple questions. At the end of the quiz, you will be given a result based off of your answers on this quiz. It just asks you simple stuff.

Created by: Cad
  1. What is your gender?
  2. How old are you?
  3. What is your diet?
  4. How much do you exercise?
  5. How tall are you already?
  6. How much do you eat?
  7. How many members in your family are taller than 6'0?
  8. Do you drink any alcohol or do any drugs?
  9. Have you been diagnosed with a condition such as gigantism?
  10. Last question. Have you ever gotten a surgery to increase your height?

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