How Szechuan Is Your Sauce? (Rick and Morty Quiz Basically!)

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I loooove rick and morty hahaha its the funny show with the funny guys!!!! ive been watching it since it aired so i gues im a true fan ahaha not like everyone else

heeb my jeeb jeeb y0ur jib tub tub tubby moinkey i lo ve my mum do muvh iu love my mum i love i had a baby with a stoner his penis was so small and skinny nevber again

Created by: mrwoman23
  1. Rick comes home from fighting the Gloropians and their Micro Plasm Spears are stuck in his back. He groans in agonising pain, but he looks grumpy. He's mumbling that Morty died. As he reaches for his flask, you:
  2. The family is eating dinner when this really cool guy called Mr Man walks in and starts giving everybody high five. It's super awesome! Then Jerry tackles him to the floor suddenly, ravenous, screaming that he saw him earlier at the mall. Everyone mouths, "the f---". Morty asks you what he should do, what do you say?
  3. The portal gun is broken. What will fix it?
  4. Uh-oh! Looks like Morty is stuck in a mating ritual! How do you react?
  5. A SCHEEMERS man comes to your doors. He tells you Rick is SCHEEMING something up. Jeruselem is in danger, what do you do?
  6. Rick asks you on a date - he's been super lonely recently.
  7. Rick asks you to peg him with your black 12". What do you say?
  8. Where are my balls, Summer? xD
  9. Hey! So, the quiz is coming to a close, and I just wanted to give you some details before ya go! So my name is Jimmin, I'm a 12 year old American boy and my discord is Mighty#2455. I'd really like if you guys added me! I get pretty lonely playing Overwatch all day, my main is winston though and i'm grandmaster ranking so please joinadd!!
  10. habba dabba

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Quiz topic: How Szechuan Is my Sauce? (Rick and Morty Quiz Basically!)
