How sus are you?

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Welcome to the sussy quiz! you will see how sus you truly are! you will find your true sussiness HAHA when the baka lol haha baka imposter lol amogus sus

i swear if amogus appears in my house i will stomp it to bits lol the imposter is sus! when the quiz is SUS haha impostor impoopster lol haha haha lol impostor

Created by: Human Persob
  1. I see a dead body, I:
  2. Someone vented, I:
  3. I am in a meeting, I:
  4. My color is:
  5. Complete this phrase:When the imposter is ____!
  6. Which is your favorite:
  7. I play with:
  8. I get _____ more
  9. My favorite task is:
  10. I am the

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Quiz topic: How sus am I?
