How Sudanese are You

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this is a quiz to see how Sudanese you are to tell if You ARE Sudanese or not this was made by Mohamed Abdellhanan my yt chanel is That One Cool Guy Please subscribe

idk. what to. say but umm oh! pls subscribe to the yt channel That One Cool Guy or Thatonecoolguyiloveme. this is a quiz which is fairly hard btw. so its ok to fail!8

Created by: Mohamed
  1. What do we love to eat in Ramadan?
  2. What do we drink in Ramadan
  3. if You are in Sudan and you celebrate 'Eid what would you wear
  4. If theres a party with the closest closest one of yiur family and they tell you that YOU HAVE TO COME AT 7: 45 when do you come
  5. You know every word in the song Alala Bilal
  6. which one is an actually a lyrics from the national anthem of sudan
  7. Your dad has 500m friends that you didn't know
  8. you always bring a desert when youre going somowhere with somone (can be anyone in the world)
  9. are u human
  10. Do you know apshir

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Quiz topic: How Sudanese am I
