How stupid are you?

There are many many stupid people. Are you one of them or will you be up there with the smart people??? Find out by taking this quiz. Hope you do well.(^_^) Remember have fun with it!!!!!!

I was motivated to make this quiz because i wanted to see how good or bad some people did. I hope that the people who do bad study up!!!! Nice and good now. Do good in school!!!!!

Created by: Chris

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is paper made of...
  2. Approximately how far away is the sun?
  3. How many moons does the Earth have?
  4. What do you when you mix the color red with the color white?
  5. What is a chat room?
  6. What is Billiards?
  7. What does " N/P " mean???
  8. What are the colors of the American Flag?
  9. What is the first grade in school???
  10. What is a Television???

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Quiz topic: How stupid am I?