How stupid are you?

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This test is going to test your stupidity. If you think you are a re****ed piece of crap, definitely give this a try! Note: This test is for entertainment purposes ONLY, I am not trying to make you depressed

Time for random letters and numbers! 36798fhty783n8f eryw4785dw34rybfesruicgsb7t48et894e8tewmfn8ebsyutsey74y57n3vfjesiroe48rye47yr89nwfefmcsuifyesoo84

Created by: Isaiah S.
  1. There is a pink man, who lives in a one-story pink house, in a pink neighborhood. What color were his stairs?
  2. The red house was red, the yellow house was yellow, and the blue house was blue. What color was the greenhouse?
  3. What smells like blue paint?
  4. 25 kids were on a bus. It was a very long drive, and most of them made it. Who did not make it?
  5. Billy was riding in a bicycle. Who fell off of the bike?
  6. A fish was in an aquarium. Who ate the sandwich?
  7. What is 2 + 2?
  8. What is 9 + 10?
  9. Where all of these questions thought of by me?
  10. If you want to get 100%, click "yes"!

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Quiz topic: How stupid am I?
