How stupid are you

Are you stupid? Well do you have any common sense? Most men don't but few can even change babies nappys! You should take this quiz and find out if you are stupid or not!

Are you stupid or not or half and half? Well mostly men are stupid but they just pretend they are most of the time.take this quiz and find out how stupid you are!

Created by: Poppy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You have a headache. You :
  2. you have a pet dog that's nauty and you've just cooked some fresh bacon , now you need the toilet you:
  3. You are wetting yourself and you are watching an AWSOME film you :
  4. You are really tired but it's only three Alcock you :
  5. You go out to a freinds house and remember that you forgot to wash you :
  6. You are reading a book by the window and suddenly the sun gets really bright you:
  7. You are going to have some coco pops but suddeNly you tip the whole box on th floor accidentally , you :
  8. If you were walking to work you:
  9. You drop your car keys down the drain you :
  10. You are really hungry and all you have left in the fridge is a lime you:
  11. Someone breaks your I pod you:
  12. You are cold and it's winter you:

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Quiz topic: How stupid am I