How Stupid Are You?

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Hi! My First Quiz Was Great And Knew I Just Had To Continue So I Tried Something New! This Is A Funny Quiz That Tells You How Stupid You Are!

If You Haven't Already You Should Check Out My First Quiz That Tells You Who Your Master Would Be In Star Wars! If You Don't Want To Just Take This Quiz!

Created by: Ethan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which Of These Is Bigger?
  2. Who Sang Michael Jackson's Thriller?
  3. Who Landed On The Moon With Neil Armstrong?
  4. Who Is The Smartest Out Of These?
  5. What Is Wrong With This Sentence? Oh, the big treee.
  6. What Is 1+1?
  7. What Is 2+1?
  8. How Do You Spell Bee?
  9. How Do You Spell Cat?
  10. How Do You Spell Tree?
  11. How Do You Spell Splat?

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Quiz topic: How Stupid am I?