How Stupid Are You?

This tells you if you are stupid or not so retarded and stuipd. Well, what are you waiting for? Your mom? Or dad? Your mother-in-law? Well, just take the quiz!

Oh i love making quizzes. This is a how stupid are you quiz. It tells you- you know- how stupid you are. Have fun taking the quiz!!!!!!! Hope U like.

Created by: Alec

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you ever taken something out of the oven with no oven gloves on?
  2. Have you ever challenged someone who's much stronger than you to a fight?
  3. Have you ever challenged someone who's much stronger than you to a fight?
  4. Have you ever flung a pencil/pen across the room on purpose while a teacher is present?
  5. Have you ever spilled a full soda can?
  6. How many F's so far? (In 1 school year.)
  7. Have you been called: stupid, retarded, or idiotic?
  8. IQ?
  9. Have you knocked a bookshelf over?
  10. Have you ever sued someone for 20$ or less?

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Quiz topic: How Stupid am I?